780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

In Western Alaska, winter’s coming – and quickly

Frozen Snake River mouth, Nome
In winter, the ice on Western Alaska’s rivers – such as the mouth of the Snake River in Nome – becomes thick enough to support people and small vehicles.

The snow covers mountains, hills, and the tundra. On clear nights, we are blessed with colorful auroras as the night sparkles with stars and planets. The scenic majesty of bush Alaska is breathtaking during the day and at night. As the seasons change and the thermometer falls towards zero, we thank all who help us make a positive difference every minute of every day.

Soon, the Bering Sea will turn to a slushy soup of ice crystals. Then the shore ice will fasten itself to the beaches (and the rivers, as pictured above) and the light will fade, declining about six minutes each day. As the seasons change, KNOM is constant in broadcasting critical weather, news, information, inspiration, and entertainment. We owe so much to so many who have helped us for nearly five decades: from planning to engineering, construction, and operation. We are truly blessed!

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Christmas 2023

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(907) 443-5221 


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Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that KNOM Radio Mission is located on the customary lands of Indigenous peoples. 

Based in the Bering Strait region, KNOM broadcasts throughout the homelands of the Iñupiaq, Siberian Yup’ik, Cup’ik and Yup’ik peoples.